[quote]That's good that they did the update. However the details are not entirely complete. More and more people are having success with the passive DP->VGA adapters, especially the HP (made by Bizlink) ones.
There are no "passive" DP->VGA adapters, by definition. Unlike DVI, DP doesn't actually pass a VGA signal through.
DP outputs can actually pass some power through them so "active" adapters can be powered directly powered from the DP output, the dual-link active adapters require more power than DP can supply so they supliment the power from USB.
OK this makes sense now. I guess the consumer (incl members of this forum) assumes passive to be any dongle that is not supplied with an external power source, but in reality this assumption is false due to DP having some level of power available. I guess its cos a "passive" DVI adapter looks the same as an "active" vga adapter.
Thanks for clearing that up Dave.