Reporting working here with i7 960 and SLi GTX260+ with 195.81 beta at 59.000 on Windows7 x64. Only 182.50 to worked before. Thank you. :)
Played some games and it seems mostly stable. I have experienced a few failures (e.g. in Avatar demo) where screen goes black (monitor goes to power saving) and sometimes locks up PC. Other times, Win7 is still running but without a visible display so I have guess key combos to shutdown and restart. After a clean reboot, it works properly.
I suspect that this may have something to do with display drivers not recovering properly after going to sleep or hibernating. I can't remember if I have ever experienced this from a clean boot then straight into game. This was happening since I switched from Vista x64 to Win7 X64 and every single driver tried.
Also, a warning for people using device profiles. The random fan speed profile bug is still there. I use device settings > profile to set up custom fan speed vs temp profile because the SLi cards are too close together (stupid ASUS mb design) and get too hot using the default auto-fan control. If I watch a movie for a few hours, sometimes the driver would randomly lower fan speed to 10% or jump to 100% (I am monitoring fan speed with Everest). I need to reset it from manual to automatic to manual again or reboot to make it work again.
Re: 5040 fix.. Not sure if this was something "fixed" in the latest NV drivers but have to admit that I never ever considered trying 59hz because all the docs I read here say to use 57hz only.
Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't 5040x1050x59hz beyond the DVI dual link specs. Are we over driving the output? Does this mean that we can use monitors that cannot handle 57hz now?
I think we all can use 60hz normal monitors with the 59hz setup, as far as I understand, 59hz is the upper limit of thr dvi spec 330mhz~