[quote][quote]It definitely is a step backwards in terms of PC MP, I just can't understand why people would boycott it when it won't make a significant enough difference to make IW think about going back to allowing dedicated servers.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't expect IW to reconsider their positions, release dedis, or "change their tune", so to speak. This isn't my goal. I won't buy their game primarily because I refuse to pay money in support of underhanded and deceitful business tactics. Secondary to this, I believe they are going in the wrong direction with PC technology, to the detriment of the customer/gamer's experience. There are more reasons, such as the absurdity of a $60 price tag, the brevity and linearity of the SP campaign, etc.
I can respect that but as you know there are many out there "boycotting" just to be spiteful or in the belief that they're going to change IW's mind when I just can't see that as being the case.
The SP though is hugely fun, there are times when a good linear storyline is so much better than this open world kind of gameplay. It used to be the norm for linearity to be the majority of games but roles seem to have switched and I'm quite sick of open world gameplay that takes forever to finish. It's nice to be able to sit down have things presented on a platter and for me to eat it all up in one sitting.
Well then put me in the pointless boycotting box then... as I am boycotting it and not pirating it in the hope that they either patch back in dedicated servers or if and when Modern Warfare 3 comes around they decide to put dedicated servers back in.
Battlefield BC2 for me at this point.