Except the Apple adaptor is, turn quote Kyle from [H], "shit". It BSODed his rig :(
I'm more liable to believe that what BSODed the rig was the 3d engine seeing more height that width in the initial startup. I've encountered that in several games lately with playing with my screens in portrait mode. I've read quite a bit of bad reviews about the Apple adapter though. I'm currently neutral about it until we get someone here with an actual triple-head background to talk about it though.
The trick is to start the game in a standard screen resolution then switch to the portrait resolution. Start the game up in 1280x1024 (or something standard) then apply 3600x1920.Except the rig was working perfectly fine with the DP plugged in direct. I was showing only 2 screens (the Apple one didn't work) but the system picked it up.. he enable EF and BAM it was BSOD. The only thing different from his totally successful other set up was using the Apple adaptor. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.