[quote]5970s are still overpriced. For $100 more you could get SLI 480s which crush a 5970 or two 5870s
The thought of going back to nvidia had popped back in my head briefly as I am also very interested in 3d gaming. Ultimately I would like to have a tri-monitor 3d setup.
But isn't nvidia surround still fairly new and buggy. I'd have no problem with the extra $100 for the 480's if surround runs as stable as eyefinity.
I'm on newegg now comparing the specs between the 4gb 5970 and the 480's.
Even running 2 of those 480's, wouldn't the 5970 be better?
I initially bought a 5970 last month without even thinking of Nvidia. My previous card was a 4870x2 which I absolutely loved, so it was a no brainer. I was disappointed with the DP adapter and functionality, my DP screen would not turn on sometimes, and AA seemed to always be out of the question.. Then one day I stumbled upon the HardOCP review (http://www.hardocp.com/article/2010/07/20/nvidia_surround_technology_performance_review). Saw that Amazon had MSI 480s for $450, totalling $900. Which, in contrast to a $700 5970 + $100 DP adapter, was only $100 more, so I returned the 5970 and adapter to give the 480s a try. Best decision I have made. I have not had a single issue, it's been 100% solid and stable. On top of that, that review was spot on, games are running at a higher quality (with AA too) and higher FPS. Overall gaming just feels a lot smoother in general, which I am guessing is attributed to the lack of sudden FPS drops the 5970 was getting. Granted these things are power hungry and louder, but that does not bother me one bit.
So that's my story =p