[quote]looks nice man. I've played every nfs game for those who don't remember it's a pretty long list.
The Need for Speed (1994)
Need for Speed II (1997)
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (1998)
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed (2000)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (2002)
Need for Speed: Underground (2003)
Need for Speed: Underground 2 (2004)
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005)
Need for Speed: Carbon (2006)
Need for Speed: ProStreet (2007)
Need for Speed: Undercover (2008)
I can't wait till the next installment. Porseche Unleashed, Underground 2, Carbon and Most Wanted have been the cream.
How could you forget the wonderful Need for Speed: Road Challenge...
(the one between Hot Pursuit and Porsche Unleashed). I'm still playing that right now..
Pretty sure you mean "High Stakes"
EDIT: MAherie, you missed a game! and a good one.