Nari genocide : go chase them until you're surrounded by a group, launch a Signet pulse to make their bodies turn to flesh and blood again, shoot, drain animus, repeat.
Wait, am I mistaken about needing to aim the Signet pulse? Does it radiate from you instead? You DID say they were surrounding you. I know the collection of Animus works in 360 degree fashion when you're near it, but I thought the offensive attack was directional, like the way you can aim it at crates to clear a path.
Yep I bought and finished Turning Point can grab people and finish them in third-person view with a nice, brutal random close combat move, which sometimes turn into an equally-brutal "environmental kill" : drown a guy in his toilet or push another from atop a ladder
I've seen the 3rd person view finishing kills in trailers, it was one of the intriguing things about the game. The ability to drown an invading Nazis in his own, or should I say a toilet that doesn't belong to him, makes it even more appealing. This is starting to sound like a must have. I was already sold on the premise.
Spark has potential indeed. This is not the kind of games you'll be playing for months, but I know I'll cherish my fond memories of Turning Point and Legendary forever... :rockout
Yeah I really think devs like this with innovative ideas and unique gameplay deserve our attention. They certainly aren't getting it from the review sites and if we don't support them, they'll never reach their full potential.
Well I decided to try it after reading this thread, as I was previously put off by negative reviews .... and, well, colour me impressed ! Not 'best game ever' impressed, just run of the mill 7/10 impressed.
It's mindless fun and the graphics can be pretty shiny thanks to the Unreal Engine, yet still the frame rate rocks along ~100.
Not bad at all.
Yeah I started out with a 70% rating less then half way through the game and I still feel it's about right after finishing it. In fact 70% is the common rating I see from players, screw the review sites.
When game sites so unjustly bash a game, I feel it's necessary to let people know they've gone way overboard, which is the whole purpose of this thread. I may not spend a lot on games like this, but nabbing them up from the bargain bin with a little praise well after release is far better than over abusive remarks at launch that keep developers with sound ideas and features in their games from evolving into the mainstream and creating a more diverse, competitive market.