For large resolutions, is it video ram that's the big one? (1gb vs 2gb vs. etc) or is it speed?
Depends on the game really. I don't play WoW, but it doesn't look like it needs a lot of vram. The sheer image size will need a fast card though. If you were to try Crysis at full resolution... as many GPUs as you can buy :P
I was thinking of a 260GTX but not sure if my power supply can handle it.
Seasonic makes good stuff, and 650 watts is way more than enough.
I was also thinking of an ATI 4850x2 or a 4870x2, but I run an SLI setup. Can the card be used in crossfire mode despite being in one x16 PCIe slot on an nf4 mobo?
Yep, they are great cards for systems with only one PCIe as well.. :)
Can the card be used with SoftTH?
From the looks of it, SLI and crossfire are useless at this point. If you want SoftTH, the fastest single GPU card would be your best bet.
Can I use a 4870x2 and a 9500gt (at the same time) but use the 9500gt as a physics card?
Not sure on this one sorry
Sorry for the all the questions. New here, not sure where to direct these inquiries.
Replies in red...
You'll love triplehead regardless what setup you go with :wink: