Hi All. New to the TH2G sceen, but not super new to widescreen gaming. I had Parhelia a long time ago, but it didn't really keep up with gaming, so I dropped it. Anyways, i just got my setup all put together and for some reason I can't seem to get my screen set up right or something. For starts here is my basic hardware setup:
Asus 8800GTS(320MB)
3x NEC 1880SX Monitors
Asus P5E32N-SLI Mobo, with 4 Gig of ram and Q6600 CPU
Running Vista32, with the following drivers/bios
TH2Go FW: 2.3.40
Nvidia Driver:
Not sure what else you need hardware etc, but anyways. What happens is anytime I try to set up my 3840x1024 resolution no matter what cable combination etc I try the no 1 monitor (and yes I have swapped cables etc, and it isn't the monitor itself, but the plug location on the TH2G box) goes all flashy and flickery and won't stay on. I looked more carefully and it seems that for some wierd reason when I enable the TH resolutions etc it shifts the horizontal refresh frequency of that monitor down by like 1Hz for some reason. I was hoping that its not because I need a new video card, but not really sure. Any help would be super. I did search around and couldn't find anything on this issue.