There is an ongoing discussion to adjust the grading scale to treat 16:10 anamorphic in the same manner we treat 16:9 anamorphic.
Treating them in the same manner would go completely against the underlying theory beneath the whole grading scheme that wider is better. When grading games whose screen change is AR-based, we expect 16:10 to have benefits over 4:3 on the grounds that it is wider. The way I see it, there are only three ways to keep the certification requirements consistent with the theory behind them.
1, we apply theory equally to 16:9, and when grading games whose screen change is AR-based, we expect 16:9 to have benefits over 16:10 on the grounds that it is wider.
2, we remove 16:9 from our considerations, just like we do with TH, and focus entirely on 16:10 support.
3, we change our underlying theory.
1 is how it's worked so far, and I think it makes plenty of sense. 2 is something I couldn't really support - 16:9 users seem widespread enough to merit their consideration, plus this would basically render all of our existing DR's obsolete.
As for 3, consider it a non-option. It would require redesigning the certification system around this new theory, and making a new grading rubric and DR template, and retroactively applying it all to every single game that we ever covered. I'm not going to do that, and I highly doubt anyone else will either.