I am trying to get this working on 5040x1050 but I am wondering exactly what the process is for modifying the HUD elements. Are you simply guessing at the numbers, saving the .res, and then loading the game to see how close you are? Or is there some mathematical way to do it. Or are you using some other tool such as: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/VGUI_Documentation#Build_mode
Hi, I outlined how to do it in the L4D thread...
You start out with the original HudLayout.res that you extract with GCFScape and edit the same fields that my HudLayout.res on the last page edits, use diff to figure out which fields got changed I guess. Sorry I didn't do as good a job of documenting it as the L4D HudLayout.res since people don't really seem to care about TF2 anymore.
I know it says it just's a hypothesis in that post but if you read on, mattsimis was able to produce the 3x1680x1050 HUD for L4D on the next page just by editing the HudLayout.res in the recommended fashion (adding 768 to xpos).
Before I figured out how to edit the HUD unfortunately all the numbers were just guess work. The only guess work now are which HUD fields to edit, since about half of them don't do anything.
If you figure out how to move the chat box (when you press Y to talk) then please let me know since editing BaseChat.res didn't seem to do it!
Surprised no admins mirrored my HUD to WSGF yet :shock:.