Hey dopefish, can you take a look at Section 8? It's UE3 based so it can have it's FOV changed. It can be done in console, but every time I zoom in or go into 3rd person mode the FOV changes back. It's annoying having to constantly enter the console and change the fov and makes the game a chore to play. Can you see if you can constantly update the FOV on Section 8?
Section 8 is UE3-based and UE3 is my arch enemy. :( If I buy the game, I can try to work on a fix for it, but there's no guarantee, sorry.
Dopefish would you be able to add the ultra widescreen aspect ratios for BF2? The older version of widescreen fixer had these for BF 1.41 but the version supporting BF2 1.5 no longer list these.
Would love to run 3 x 16:10 ultra wide for my eyefinity setup :P
Every time I try to add support surround, the engine breaks. It's nothing I can fix as it's a limitation of the engine itself. Even the official patch had problems with objects disappearing and so on.
Dope, this may have been asked and answered elsewhere, and if so I apologize buddy, but I was wondering if your Fixer is OS agnostic.
It should work in any Windows XP or newer.
There is a problem with the titlebar causing all the items to be shifted off the screen, though. This only happens if you use a larger titlebar font than what's default in Windows. Ibrin pointed this out to me, and I know how to fix it, I just haven't yet. I will soon. :)