But really guys, do not our office chairs swivel? I too, have some apps and games that will not work spanned, but offhand, it doesn't seem to be a killer to me to have it on the left panel. If so, then I'll return and keep the analog .... Or better yet, if Matrox corrects in a "hardware revision" I would be demanding a swapout ...
It is, IMHO, a completely un-natural and uncomfortable way to game. Not to mention, those of us who flight sim/drive sim have TrackIR's on the CENTER monitor. In addition, I have a 7.1 surround system with the center speaker in the CENTER!
This item is aimed 100% at gamers. To make a mistake this fundamental is an absolute sign of either contempt for the consumer or blatant incompetence of the organization.
Considering my past experience with Matrox, I'm leaning towards the latter....