Hey All,
I was playing around with the Starship Troopers demo this evening, and took two screenshots to compare the widescreen view. This is just preliminary of course, the demo isn't optimzed, but in the readme file they tell you how to change the global.settings file in the STProfiles directory.
Here's a shot in 1280x1024:
And one in 1680x1024:
Comparing the screens led me to suspect that the view is simply stretched. The federation containers and their insignias look fatter in the widescreen shot and slightly to the right the the yellow sign on the floor looks wider as well. Also on the far right the mountain range in the distance seems to have gotten stretched partly off the screen.
Hopefully the retail version will support widescreen. If not, I may just pick it up anyway. :wink:
The graphics are actually not overwhelming. Perhaps that was b/c they need to render so many bugs on the screen. I can't seem to get a smooth framerate with everything bumped up to high, so I lowered some settings to medium. Overall it looks like a fun game - To think I was in high school when this movie came out, and have been waiting all these years for a video game on the movie. :)