Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 29 May 2008, 20:02 

Joined: 29 May 2008, 19:21
Posts: 1
Hi guys! Well I am currently thinking of upgrading from current ViewSonic 19" LCD Monitor (VA1912wb), to a 22" one. There are basically 2 choices available to me: The Samsung 226BW 'C' Panel LCD Monitor, and the Acer 2216WBD. Nothing else is available in the shops where I am :P..

As you would probably know, theoretically the Samsung 226BW is much better than the Acer 2216WBD. However, there are actually 3 variations of the Samsung 226BW. 'S' (which is the best in terms of quality), and the 'A' and 'C' versions (which are lesser quality LCDs - has crappy colours by default, but which can be fixed manually to a considerable degree)....Only the 'C' Panel version of this Samsung 226BW is available to me, and I don't know if this version of the Samsung 226BW is still better than the Acer 2216WBD or not....There is also a price difference of about US$55.

My primary reason for upgrading is because I have recently purchased a PS3, and I want to use the new display with my PS3 :D...That is, the monitor will be used for both work and gaming ...

So basically, which one is more recommended: Samsung 226BW 'C' Panel, or the Acer 2216WBD...?


PostPosted: 31 May 2008, 12:58 
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Joined: 10 Jun 2005, 21:24
Posts: 1371
The 2216WBD would be the better choice. Samsung didn't do a good job when they put other manufacturers panels inside their models. Looks like they made the firmware to fit one type of panel (their own) and just used the same electronics for all the rest.
There have been some good reviews about the 2216WBD, here's one:

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