Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 12 May 2008, 17:13 

Joined: 12 May 2008, 15:16
Posts: 2
Hi Guys,
I ma new to this forum, so please bear with me for my stupid questions.
I just bought a new PC and 3H2Go.
This is my specs:
Intel core Duo E8400 at 3..00 GHZ OC to 3.6GHz.
VC: Nvidia GF 8800GTS OC 512MBPCI Express.
4GB DDR2 RAM 800Mhz .
Vista Home premium.
I have 3 Screen 1280 x 1024 res and plugged in my 3H2GO .
My setting in FSX is MED. and I can run FSX at 1 screen 1280x1024 at avg 32 FPS no problem.
Now the minute, I run under the 3840x1024 my frame rate drop to 1 or 0.8/sec. Unplayable.
Can you please advise me what I am doing wrong, how can I enjoy my FSX with triplehead2go Digital.
in advance


PostPosted: 14 May 2008, 01:54 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
Posts: 1512
Location: NZ
The reason your frame rates are dropping is probably because a 8800GTS is not enough to run FSX at higher res AND higher settings. FSX, along with Crysis, requires a massive amount of graphics horsepower. Crysis (for example) on my rig (tri-SLI 8800GTX) runs smoothly with Ultra High settings on my 24" but doesn't run well enough to play those settings on TH2Go (I drop to high and disable motion blur; and sometimes shadows).
I'll give my 24" and TH2Go a go with FSX latter and give you the results. What will really be holding you back (at high res) is the 256MB memory bus. Only the 8800GTX and ultra have a 368 (ish) bus whcih really helps at high res. The new 9900gtx is rumoured to be 512 which will be even better :P

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

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