I've been searching for a long time on the net trying to find information on all kinds of possible widescreen resolutions that work well with games, under 1280x720 and 1280x800. I'm sure many can relate with me in that those with less than the highest end graphics cards playing recent games are not having a lot of fun unless they're playing at lower resolutions.
I've seen many web sites posting different resolutions, and all I have tried have made text blotchy. It seems the lowest widescreen resolution I've found, where everything looks like it should is 1280x720.
A month or so ago I did stumble across someone who suggested a resolution, and I tried it and it really looked great. I added it as a custom rez and lost it when I upgraded my drivers. I can't remember what it was now (10xx by something).
I think it would be great to have a list handy (if it hasn't already been done) of all the really good widescreen resolutions under 1280x720. I've looked for rez's that match good old 800x600 and 1024x768 but just haven't been able to find any that really work (aside from that one I mentioned that I lost).
Can anyone direct me to a list or if you know, please share? Thanks in advance!
Here are the widescreen resolutions I personally have tried, but haven't really worked out. Crysis is the primary game I've tried these in: