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PostPosted: 22 Apr 2006, 20:07 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
Lock On: Modern Air Combat with Flaming Cliffs Addon (man, I thought this looked good on one monitor...)


PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006, 00:51 

Joined: 26 Apr 2006, 16:29
Posts: 71
Hi Guys,

I have some new settings that will help with the FOV in Lock on.

The file is called view.cfg
configviewview.cfg (on my system)

I would like you to make a change that allows you to change the FOV to 170.

Here are the settings:

// If MouseCockpit is not set here then option value is used.
// Remove two slashes in the next line and set your custom value:
//MouseCockpit = 0;
MouseExternal = 0;
MouseSpeedSlow = 0.667;
MouseSpeedNormal = 1.0;
MouseSpeedFast = 2.0;
KeyboardSpeedSlow = 0.167;
KeyboardSpeedNormal = 1.0;
KeyboardSpeedFast = 5.0;
CockpitViewAngleMin = 20.0;
CockpitViewAngleMax = 170.0;
// If CockpitViewAngleDefault is not set here then option value is used
// Remove two slashes in the next line and set your custom value:
CockpitViewAngleDefault = 170.0; Just remove the 2 slashes to un-rem the line so that the game will recognize it.
ExternalViewAngleMin = 3.0;
ExternalViewAngleMax = 170.0;
// If ExternalViewAngleDefault is not set here then cockpit value is used
// Remove two slashes in the next line and set your custom value:
//ExternalViewAngleDefault = 60.0;
CameraTerrainRestriction = 1;
DisableSnapViewsSaving = 1;
UseDefaultSnapViews = 0;
ExplosionExpoTime = 4.0;
CockpitSnapStepHor = 45.0;
CockpitSnapStepVert = 30.0;
CockpitNyMove = 1;
ChazeCameraNyMove = 1;
//Labels params
LabelAirOn = 1;
LabelGroundOn = 1;
LabelNavyOn = 1;
LabelMissileOn = 1;
LabelMinDistanceAir = 100.0;
LabelMaxDistanceAir = 50000.0;
LabelMinDistanceGround = 100.0;
LabelMaxDistanceGround = 20000.0;
LabelMinDistanceNavy = 100.0;
LabelMaxDistanceNavy = 50000.0;
LabelMinDistanceMissile = 100.0;
LabelMaxDistanceMissile = 20000.0;
LabelShowName = 1;
LabelShowDistance = 1;
LabelShowPilotName = 0;
CockpitHAngleOrigin = 0.0;
CockpitVAngleOrigin = -9.5;

The setting in BOLD are the important ones

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006, 02:52 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
I will try this ASAP, Richie.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006, 03:23 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
No go, Richie, I still have a severly limited vertical FOV in-cockpit. This is as far as I can zoom out with your suggested settings:

This is no different than before.

Here is the max zoom out with the same settings, but in single-screen mode:

I was going to prepare a detailed description of this problem for Eagle Dynamics, but I take it you're handling it? Or perhaps you are getting different results than I am.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006, 03:30 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
Richie, the bolded settings you have posted are not the ones that directly affect max and min cokpit FOV. Those values are found in Lock OnConfigViewView.lua (not .cfg)

-- Camera view angle limits {view angle min, view angle max}.
CameraViewAngleLimits = {}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {20.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {20.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {20.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {2.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {20.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {20.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {20.0, 120.0}
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {20.0, 120.0}

If I change the Su_39 (Su-25T) line to
CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {2.0, 170.0}
to match the angele you are suggesting, this is what the max zoom looks like:

When I fly Lock On single-screen, I usually use a max angle of 135. This lets you see a lot but avoids the distortion and framerate issues you get when you zoom out further.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006, 15:03 

Joined: 26 Apr 2006, 16:29
Posts: 71
Hi jkeefe,

Thanks for the feedback, it's strange it didn't work for you as I gave the same fix to another customer on our forums and it worked fine for him ????

I will have to dig a bit more then :-)

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006, 15:26 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643

It's gotta be something in another .cfg or .lua file then. Or that other guy is running Lock On 1.02 while I have Flaming Cliffs (1.1) and there is some difference. Do you have this title in-house and is the full range of view zoom working for you? If so, is it 1.02 or 1.1 Flaming Cliffs?

If I need to install 1.02 for testing purposes I can do that easily without messing up my real install.

I'm very happy to see Matrox is working on this; Lock On is simply amazing in triplehead even when it's unplayable because of these view zoom issues. If I could get it working like it's suppossed to, I would be ecstatic.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2006, 03:22 

Joined: 28 Jun 2006, 03:11
Posts: 1
The problem is aspect ratio, which is stuck at 4:3 (1.33). Try changing it to whatever ratio you have (f.i. 1680/1050=1.6). Worked for me.

Lock OnConfiggraphics.cfg:

           resolution = {1680, 1050};
           bpp = 32;
           fullscreen = 1;
   //        aspect = 1.333333373;
      aspect = 1.6;

But every time you change something in options, the game resets it back to 1.33, so you have to edit it again.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2006, 16:31 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
I have set the proper aspect ration for 3072x768, which is 4.000. This is not the cause of the problem.

I have not been able to experiment with this because my main video card failed, but I will spend some time on it when a relacement arrives.

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2006, 06:07 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
Ok, I got a new videocard (7900GT) and reverted to Lock On 1.02 to test with a pre-Flaming Cliffs version of the game. I am still stuck with a way-too-close max zoom out.

Richie, at this point I am pretty frustrated; I've done everything everyone's suggested but nothing seems to be working. I even tried running at 2400x600 in case the problem was specific to the resolution. Has anyone actually got this thing working with appropriate cockpit zoom and a triplehead resolution? I have yet to see a screenshot...

Please tell me what you would like me to do. Step-by-step instructions, post on the Matrox boards, post on the Eagle Dynamics boards, whatever.

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