Yeah unfortunately the PC version bears little resemblance to that 3dgamers screenshot even with "next generation content" enabled.
Here's my comparison, using the full game. All screenshots are taken using identical resolutions/settings/position, with the only difference being the next-gen content option.
1. you can see a pretty huge difference here.
1A. next-gen content enabled
1B. next-gen content disabled
2. in this one you can see some odd artifacts on lara's skin in the second shot, not sure what's going on there but it was very noticeable to me while playing.
2A. next-gen content enabled
2B. next-gen content disabled
3. this is pretty much the same spot as the 3dgamers shot, and the shot paddy took. also you can see some more weird graphics glitches in the second shot around lara's legs.
3A. next-gen content enabled
3B. next-gen content disabled
I actually prefer running with the next-gen content off. With it on I get a pretty inconsistent framerate, and usually it's below 30 fps, which isn't acceptable to me. With it turned off the framerate is usually above 80. It doesnt look as good, but I'd rather play a smooth game than a pretty one (and also Lara looks like a scary ape-woman with it on for some reason). My system: athlon64 3500, 1gb ram, 7800gt.
The strangest thing to me is the focus of light seems to be completely different with the next-gen content disabled. Seems like it wasn't given much attention.