Guest wrote:
Im using 3 monitors : middle one is 21:9 and the other two on the sides are 16:9 (all 3 of them are 1440p)
I cant configure them in nVidia surround because it will not let me change the resolution and/or the refresh rate after I have biffed the 3 monitors.. It's telling me : Surround requires displays that share at least one common timing.
I would like to add that I have set them all to 100Hz.
Can someone help me solve this problem, please ?!?
All I want to do is game on all 3 with the resolution of 8650x1440.
Another newbie question is : can i game on all 3 in full screen or it must be windowed ?
Hello Guest,
You just made me realize what's missing from this part of the forums... a sticky on trouble-shooting nVidia Surround. This is an older article, but much of the principles are still the same. are a couple of thoughts of mine:
1. You need to make sure all your monitors support 100Hz before setting nVidia Surround. I would suggest using the native Hz (usually 60Hz for standard monitors).
2. Use the latest driver. If the current driver is corrupt or you can't change to a known configuration, I would suggest using
Display Driver Uninstall to first clean the corruption, restart and install the latest driver afterwards.
3. Make sure you have the proper requirements and are using the correct ports on the card or monitor. I would not suggest using adapters as they can change the Hz or quality or just not work at all.
4. You can also try just two monitors in surround to start or test hardware.