MrMisterMaster's fixes worked amazingly for the graphics glitching, and thank you
SometimesIDreamAboutCheese for making his fixes a lot easier to implement.
MrMisterMaster's fantastic fixes:'s simple method:'m going to combine and sum up their methods for a 1366x768 screen resolution as well as provide a nicer background for the neighborhood view.
Hacking your 1024x768 to 1366x768 - main advantage being that if you wish, you can play in the original 800x600 at any time
- make a backup of your Sims.exe before you do anything
- follow the instructions here - for 1366x768 you only need to change one value "00 04" to "56 05"
- I recommend using HxD for this - When you search for the string of Hex values, ensure you choose "Hex Values" in "Datatype" field.
- To run the game in 1366x768 you can now use the "The Sims.. 1024x768" shortcut found in your start menu.
Fixing graphics glitches - big thanks to MrMisterMaster and SometimesIDreamAboutCheese.
- navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims\UIGraphics or C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\UIGraphics
- download the zip and put the files from it in their respective directories:
SometimesIDreamAboutCheese wrote:
You don't actually have to edit any .far or .RT files. Just make new folders for the files and copy them there like this:
The Sims\UIGraphics\CPanel\Backgrounds\PanelBack.bmp
The Sims\UIGraphics\Downtown\LargeBack.bmp
The Sims\UIGraphics\Studiotown\dlgframe_1024x768.bmp
Extra tips - Save often. It's the round "..." icon and then the floppy disk icon.
- If you find that the game doesn't seem to save or crashes when you save, set it to run with Administrative Priviledges in Compatibility tab of the game shortcut.
- Have fun and don't forget to thank MrMisterMaster and SometimesIDreamAboutCheese!
Well, I'm going back to playing Sims. Peace.
File comment: This is what it will look like once installed. It expands the neighborhood, it's as if you could see more of it. It's just a background, it's not perfect and in some places you can tell where the edge of the actual game is. It's more pleasant than a blue border though.
prev.jpg [ 160.34 KiB | Viewed 5707 times ]
File comment: the three bmp files to be replaced
The Sims 1366x768 Hack and [392.6 KiB]
Downloaded 519 times