You will until the ICT is enabled. HDCP != immediate lockout. So long as the players have the appropriate decoders etc itll still work.
You sure about that? Have you tested with HDCP protected content?
ICT is for Analog output and has nothing to do with DVI or HDMI connections. HDCP is currently enforced by those content providers that desire it, ICT flag setting has been "agreed" to a moratorium until 2010 due to the large number of Analog only HDTV's (DB15 and Component inputs only) that were sold early on.
Do a google on some internal HD DVD/BlueRay drive tests and you'll see this confirmed with some content. The current work around? Many LCD monitors also have a DB15 input besides the DVI/HDMI connector, simply use that instead if you want the HD DVD/BlueRay content on your PC. You'll likely purchase a new monitor before 2010 anyways.