We got a few other mentions recently:
Review of the 30" Dell panel over at
and the
Penny Arcade Forums. People had nice things to say about the forum, and the community. I realize it's not an "official" mention, but that is a
huge community.
also of note is a post made by Storm Shadow, who is a contributor on the PA website:
and I gave Sean Decker (the producer of the Battlefield franchise) all kinds of shit a couple of weeks ago for that. He's inclined to believe that it really isn't all that important and that most people do not have widescreen displays.
I told him that it seems asinine that a game would come out that sets the bar for what a "high-end" gaming rig means, yet does not support high-end resolutions, and wide screen.
Anyways, I also tried to soft sell him a bit, and when he talked about 'cinematic moments,' I told him that they would be so much more effective if only they were in *widescreen*.
Point is, I think I made a connection, and I'm hopeful for the next iteration of Battlefield to be in ws.
We also got a link somewhere on the Planet Battlefield site on GameSpy, but I couldn't find the specific link.