3d or widescreen gaming? what is better?
Well you can have both. They make 3D widescreen monitors. On top of that, you can even run 3 x 3D monitors in landscape mode with nVidia's solution.
......in the while.. i fonund A STRANGE RESOLUTION.. that i did not knew to exist :) the 4960x1600 resolution made from a 30 in 2560 display + 2 1600x1200 display.
but..is it pissible to use a CENTER DISPLAY setted in 3d vision.... while the 2 lateral displays remain 2D ?
No. They don't make a 3D 2560x1600 3d display. On top of that, nVidia Surround requires all the displays be the same resolution and in most cases the same model of LCD.
the portrait- landscape-portrait display mode SEEMS TO ME THE BEST WAY TO PLAY WIDESCREEN..... or am i wrong?
That's personal preference. I personally like my 3x30"rs, but my favorite setup is 5 LCD monitors in Portrait.
using 3 display in landscape is a TOO LARGE SOLUTION. but i've heard that to use 4960x1600 i should use a software called sofTH. because ati and nvidia does not(still) support this resolution.
IS THIS RESOLUTION COMPATIBLE WITH MOST GAMES?or is a too much strange revolution and it is accepted by only few games....?
The resolution itself is support in a ton of games. The trick here is to get SoftTH to play nice with the game. Fortunately there's a few forums out that that deal with SoftTH. There's generally no one way to get a game to work with SoftTH and is system independent. You basically have to fool around with it to get it to work. :P
in theory..... a person LIKE ME that would a 4960x1600 resolution and also like stereoscopic content.... ... could have a dream to use a 4960x1600 with center display landscape setted with 3d VISION. or there is a software incongruence that does not allow this?
Well again there are no 30" 2560x1600 displays that work with nvidia 3D surround. There is a driver called iZ3D that works with ATI/AMD hardware that will allow you to use Anaglyph Stereoscopic 3D. Anaglyph is the technology that use Red / Blue glasses to work. You could also buy iZ3D monitors and use them in eyefinity.
................in alternative.. i should play 3d with only 1 monitor ON.... and play with 3 monitor only with other games that does not support 3d.
This will only work if you get a 3D monitor in the middle obviously, but so far the only monitors that do this are CRT or 1080p LCD monitors.
Hope I could Help.