Thankyou for your detailed reply.
Do you know if edge blending is planned for Nthusim? As far as I can see that is the main differentiator between the two products, although perhaps there is more that I don't know about yet. My own research has led me to the conclusion that, as you said, Nthusim has a better community and support network so if feature set was the same I'd be inclined to go with Nthusim.
One more question actually - does nthusim do only simply curved screens or can any shape, for example spherical or a leaning curve be accomodated (I believe in warpalizer you just drag points around to define the screen so anything goes).
Edge blending is on the NTHUSIM wish list. The only thing Warpalizer currently has going for it over NTHUSIM at this moment in time is that edge blending. I've had lengthy talks with Alex and Andy about this. I'm sure something more definitive on this will be addressed soon.
As long as the projections are configured side-by-side you can do any type of exotic surface projection you want to. Circular screens, domes, partial domes, irregular surfaces, etc. Each projector has it's own user configurable grid that can be as simple or as complex as needed to properly map it to the projected surface.
My suggestion would be to make a user account over on the NTHUSIM site and merely download NTHUSIM Plus and play with it on your regular LCD in unregistered demo mode. It'll give you a good idea how it'll work once used with a projector and take a lot of the mystery out of all of this. :)