Roads might be a performance issue... the game does have pop-in if you are underpowered PC-wise.
So a thin brown line is too intensive but mines arn't?
Also with scrolling just use the arrow keys.
I'm talking about the popup notices are on the far right of the screen and doing useful things like changing the production in a city is on the far left (oh snap it's a politics thread now!).
And no, the zoom is not nearly as far out as Civ4.
I've seen some screenies in 16:9 and it's zoomed out farther. I'm sure it's due to the fact that Firaxis doesn't have a clue or just doesn't care about ratios above 16:9/10.
Case in point, above image was done after some FoV trickery.
I'm not the only one with these exact same issues, in the future I'll just play in a window.
This is an Nvidia TWIMTBP game, so if these are ATi specific problems, I know why.