Welcome, and thanks for sharing. We had been working on a way to allow users to upload videos to the site and have them then sent to our YouTube channel, but that is proving problematic. If you'd like us to upload one of your videos to the WSGF YT channel, let me know. We can get something worked out.
I did put the link at the WSGF forum youtube links section, as suggested by Delphium.
Now, the video is nothing special - just a mix of some benchmarks running in eyfinity mode with some ambient background music. I am more than happy to contribute it to the WSGF Youtube channel, if you think it fits in there.
The original file can be downloaded right from Vimeo - at this link: http://vimeo.com/33811002 (I can also FTP upload it to some place if you prefer)
There should be no copyright issues (its CC "license" ) - and also I used music that is not copyrighted.