Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 06 Apr 2010, 05:39 

Joined: 08 Mar 2010, 00:29
Posts: 5
I was just curious if anyone knows if this particular adapter will work for an eyefinity setup. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815158150&cm_re=displayport_to_vga_adapter-_-15-158-150-_-Product


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2010, 10:21 

Joined: 04 Nov 2009, 13:34
Posts: 44
As long as you're not going to drive more than a 1920x1200 resolution that adapter should work well. Just last week I tried a mini-DP to VGA adaptor for my 3 x 1920x1200 eyefinity setup and it works very well. The picture is slightly fuzzier than DVI but as a solution it is far better than my active DVI to DP adaptor which would constantly drop (windows disconnect / connect sound) when I changed screen modes (eyefinity to extended desktop). In fact my experience with the active DVI-DP adapter was so bad that sometimes I couldn't even get my DP port monitor into extended mode with full resolution!

Now with the VGA miniDP adapter I can seemlessly hotkey between eyefinity / extended desktop / single screen profiles. Just like having a native DP monitor :)

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2010, 01:11 

Joined: 18 Mar 2010, 19:36
Posts: 5
I got an even cheaper DP>VGA adapter on monoprice.com. Works decently on my 1600x1200 side monitor (in a PLP setup). The picture quality does seem a little worse than the other 1600x1200 monitor, which is connected via DVI, but maybe I just haven't played around with the settings enough to get a good color balance and whatnot.

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2010, 04:40 

Joined: 08 Mar 2010, 00:29
Posts: 5
I ordered the adapter and found out it works. Unfortunately when I try to open up a game the monitor with the displayport connection loses signal and goes black. After I exit out of whatever said game is I get a displayport error message. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this or am I going to have to get a different adapter?

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2010, 08:02 

Joined: 04 Nov 2009, 13:34
Posts: 44
Try the VGA adapter on your other monitors to see if you get the same thing. Otherwise I would try a different VGA adapter.

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