Brett wrote:
tricky wrote:
For anyone that wants to reprogram the keys, here is my AutoHotkey script, it only swaps the keys while the game is active, working great for me as I always use all the numpad keys to move, reload, open etc.
My God, man. Are you left handed?
I'm a righty, but you still remind me of me before I eventually just gave in to modern games and started using WSAD (I *really* didn't want to). Eventually I bought a Logitech G13 and I'm pretty happy with that.
Haha no what happened is that I didn't play Doom and those games when they first came out (was young and partying), and my first real mouse+keyboard game was Terminator: Future Shock (great game). I programmed the numpad for everything and it used reverse mouse look as default. Then I repeated the setup for Duke Nukem 3D which I played for 1,000s of hours and now it's ingrained in me. Every game I use numpad and mouse reverse look. I am horrible at FPS on consoles so I haven't owned a console since Sega Genesis.
I also like how I can just move my keyboard to the left and it feels natural to just mouse and numpad for most everything. I saw a screenshot of someone here that puts their mousepad and mouse on top of their keyboard to bring them closer together, I don't have to do that.