So pleased with myself to have solved the Oversized HUD issue with Eyefinity (and probably with Nvidia Surround too)
When playing around with resolutions I found that something in the game engine put my fourth monitor above
eyefintiy setup rather than below, where it should be in a Tee setup that I use for flight sims. As that would then
account for the HUD/UI in the game trying to render in free space above the eyefinity screens, I tried the game
with my fourth screen disabled in the Catalyst Control Centre and voila.
Correct sized HUD and UI shown on the centre eyefinity screen as it should be.
Now I'm guessing that the common denominator for those with this problem is that they are running four screens!!
Try it and if successful let us know.
Plus point is that by using the Presets in the CCC you can change this with a couple of key strokes before entering
and after leaving the game.