I know thats what I would like to find out, lol.
Currently, I think it only supports one out because they don't have crossfire enabled with eyefinity, however, they stated that they will eventually support crossfire and eyefinity working together.
If they do that then they should have all display outs being utilized, so there just might be a chance in having crossfire and all display outs being utilized with eyefinity and the normal desktop.
In theory if they allow that then it might be possible to go crossfire with all three display outs coming off of the primarly card (like I have now) while using Softth, which would help us irregular PLP monitor peeps out a whole lot!
Its a long shot, but then again, nobody thought one 5870 would push SoftTH and it does!
Then again, they could bunk all of that and come out with PLP support in Catalyst, which would be my ideal dream!