BHawthorne well done,
This is an extremely insteresting thread, will be following it closely. I have been projector gaming since 2000, amazing to think my gamechair is now 10 years old.. it may be time for a change with all this eyefinity, edge blending, curve shape adjusting, and lost cost projectors around.
I have some questions, and some suggestions, mostly questions :), and one big request.
1- Have you thought of using a TrackIR device? (headtracker) I wonder how that would feel with x3 setup, would it be too much movement? On my game I mounted one to a mechanical arm from a drafting lamp.
2- Possibly find a cougar joystick, and older thrustmaster pedals?, the metal ones..
3- Please Try World War II online. Its a great balance of simulation and massive combat, the graphics are not cutting edge but the gameplay is feature rich : planes, infantry, boats, tanks, virtual online battlefield 24hours a day, lot of the original airwarrior, warbirds, IL crowd and fighter ace crowd have ended up there sinces it is one of the last holdouts of true sim type combat games. I think you might love it with that setup especially. Nothing like staffing infantry on a big screen.
1- Have you considered making a dome? Is it possible with existing off the shelf games and hardware?
2- what do you think about this projector XD300U mitsubishi, a 96"x68" throw is 10', 2000 ansi, dlp about $350 used. I have one, course thats not what i payed for it new...5 years ago. Would probably be getting two more if i did x3 setup.
3- How is eyefinity working out? Do you need Thd2go also with it?
4- The radius of your curve would a less or more be better? or is it just right
5- Screen material. how about using some Da-Lite material and getting a nice contrast from it versus paint or canvas?
6- Are you using eyefinity? If I setup will have to buy 3 mini-port to vga adaptors since my projector only supports that, what are you using?
7- What is the size of the room you have including area where the projectors are projecting from?
Request :)
4- Please download WWII online, try it offline or online 2 weeks free and post screen shots of your setup, really need to see the inside of a plane in that game. Thank you! I have found the game to be pretty tough on my projector, its a bit dark and the camo on the infantry and planes against the background requires a good projector to get the contrast. I am an old Airwarrior II fan, 1994, this game still has that hard core 24 hour crowd, maybe you remember those days, when a 21" screen was something people could only dream of, even a 17" was remarkable.
My plan is to upgrade my non-simpit flight controls when I can with deals on ebay. I've wanted to build a FreeIR setup for awhile now to experiment with, but haven't yet.
1) I originally pondered dome and after a recent dome build setup shown on the NTHUSIM site, I'm still pondering it in the future specific for the F-84F hanger/projection room. The problem is dome really limits your game selection because of how in-game cameras work. My current focus in general gaming, which requires a more traidional flat screen aspect ratio that I can use with a circular screen.
2) Not really sure about it other than street price on it certainly looks good. Geting the price of projectors down in the build however possible is something that will directly lead to a more cost effective build. Your single largest expense in a build is the projectors.
3) I've not used eyeFinity yet. I've been using Matrox TH2G and NVIDIA Surround both as needed. NVIDIA Surroud is still quite tempormental, so sometimes I revert to TH2G.
4) A wider radius is easier to configure projectors for, but is in direct conflict with getting that 180 degree full FOV in a build. It's hard to fit 180 degree into anything less than 12 foot diameter half-circle with 0.6:1 short-throws. that's why I'm really liking the 0.5:1 short-throws that I've seen on the market recently.
5) My primary concern with the initial build was "will it even work at all?", After getting past that long ago, I do need to look into better screen materials.
6) See answer #3 :)
7) The current room I am using is a 20 x 13 foor basement room. It has some ceiling beam and air ducting issues that are annoying but the space was otherwise unused for anything other than storage. My projectors are mounted at the center point of the radius of the 13 foot diameter half-circle -- putting the lens locations roughly 5.5-6 foot away from the screen.
Re: WW:II Online. When I get a chance I'll download the app and try it out. My attention span is a bit torn in 40 different directions, so don't expect immediate updates on this though. :wink: