Couple FOV tricks I found...
1) Hor+ main menu
I haven't found a way to directly alter the FOV in the menus, but if you go check out some character's trophy, hit Space (or W !) to correct the FOV, then exit, the main menu'll be Hor+ until you quit it. 8)
2) Zoomed first-person view
You can't assign keys to zooming in/out in first-person view afaik. There's a couple secrets in the Botanical Gardens that I found to be abnormally hard to "shoot" because of this. If you keep getting a 'Subject too small' message but there's no way to get closer, try this edit :
.Bindings=(Name="Z",Command="ToggleCameraZoom | fov 60", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false):META:COM_ZOOM,0,-1,-1,"",false,true,CI_Zoom
Now you have Bat-binocs ! Hit Space and you'll still be in first-person view, only with the regular higher FOV. (When you go back to third-person view however, the FOV will always be unbearably narrow until you hit Space again.)
3) Custom FOV in the benchmark
To run the benchmark using a custom FOV simply apply Paddy's edit to a "neutral key" (i.e that will not interrupt the benchmark) like W.
.Bindings=(Name="W",Command="MoveForward | fov 142 |DebugMenuUpPressed | OnRelease DebugMenuUpReleased | Axis aRawLHJoyUp Speed=1.0", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false):META:COM_FORWARD,0,-1,-1,"",false,false,CI_Movement,CI_LeftStick,CI_LeftStickUp
Launch bench, hit W once during the loading screen and voilà !
4) Object culling
There seems to be a limit in the number of objects that can be displayed at once, which is hard to miss in multi-monitor modes: you get a wider FOV but not more objects on screen, so objects in front of you (center screen) appear out of nowhere as you get closer to them. The benchmark alone makes it all too obvious. I wonder if it'd be possible to edit this limit somehow :?