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PostPosted: 04 Jun 2009, 19:29 

Joined: 07 Jul 2007, 23:55
Posts: 2866

In what can only be considered a double whammy, Square Enix has denied that Final Fantasy XIV is a PlayStation 3 exclusive.

I almost feel bad for Sony. But then, no.


PostPosted: 04 Jun 2009, 20:06 
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006, 15:48
Posts: 2356

In what can only be considered a double whammy, Square Enix has denied that Final Fantasy XIV is a PlayStation 3 exclusive.

I almost feel bad for Sony. But then, no.

They just lost Metal Gear Solid to the 360 aswell.

Basically the last of the huge third party PS exclusive titles.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2009, 22:36 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
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I've never really cared for 'exclusives' anyway - exclusives on different systems mean either purchasing each system, or missing out.

That said, I hate crappy ports, too.

Eternal Sonata is a good example of a game well ported from 360 to PS3, for example. DMC4 is a good example of a game ported well from the PS3 to the 360 and PC.

Deux Ex Invisible War is a good example of a really badly ported game. ;)

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2009, 23:47 
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006, 15:48
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Deux Ex Invisible War is a good example of a really badly ported game. ;)

The resident evil 4 PC port is probably the best possible example of a port gone sour.

No mouse/keyboard support.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2009, 04:06 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
Nah, I've seen a lot worse. None really coem to mind though, because i play the poorest ones for about 2 minutes. Not mcuh to remember.

Lack of kb+mouse wasn't so bad for RE4, since i have a dual-stuick controller. And after a patch finally cam eout, it looked as nice as the Gamecube version. ..then 3rd party mods made it MUCH better looking.

What was so bad abotut eh Invisible War PC port? Other than terrible performance, i had no issues....

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2009, 04:19 

Joined: 07 Nov 2005, 04:16
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And after a patch finally cam eout, it looked as nice as the Gamecube version

Not the Gamecube version. Even with the patch, it still uses slightly crappified PS2 graphics, which on the PS2 weren't as good as the Gamecube graphics. And before the patch (which the US version shipped with), the environmental lighting engine was incomplete, and as a result, nighttime scenes were just as bright as daytime ones.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2009, 23:19 

Joined: 20 Feb 2007, 05:14
Posts: 544

In what can only be considered a double whammy, Square Enix has denied that Final Fantasy XIV is a PlayStation 3 exclusive.

I almost feel bad for Sony. But then, no.

They just lost Metal Gear Solid to the 360 aswell.

Basically the last of the huge third party PS exclusive titles.

Haven't been following the past day or two's news, but isn't it just a new MGS title coming to 360? Nothing said 4 is going there, or will go there in the future. Not that I will particularly mind either way as I will be looking to acquire one by spring '10...

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2009, 02:15 
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006, 15:48
Posts: 2356
Haven't been following the past day or two's news, but isn't it just a new MGS title coming to 360? Nothing said 4 is going there, or will go there in the future. Not that I will particularly mind either way as I will be looking to acquire one by spring '10...

Yes its just a new title, but its a first step ;)

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