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PostPosted: 10 Dec 2007, 18:12 

Joined: 08 Sep 2005, 23:22
Posts: 223
I was looking for a good racer with TH2Go support and have been downloading demos left and right.

Well... after downloading LFS, I can stop now.

WOW! These guys PEGGED TH2Go! Not only does the game display beautifully in 3840x1024 with perfect FOV, the HUD is automatically placed in the center screen. In addition, before entering the game and setting options, the game defaults to only one monitor (your center one), so setting options is a SNAP.... unlike my experience with GTR2 which has HORRIBLE TH2Go support.

Lastly... and this was just icing on the cake... if you have a TrackIR, LFS has perfect support for 6-axis movement. They even model the interior of the car (a problem I have with GTR2).

This game should be the model for TH2Go support IMHO.

Gigabyte GTX 980 - SLI

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PostPosted: 12 Dec 2007, 16:54 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
rFactor's support is just as good (single-screen GUI, centered HUD, 6DOF head positioning), although some mods unfortunately do not model the entire car interior. That's what you get with an open-architecture sim, though.

rFactor wasn't always this good, but recent patches have added a lot of game features that include improved triplehead support. rFactor is also the only game that I know of that has an option for displaying the three monitor's views using independent fields of view, allowing you to see more, and see it with less distortion. more info

Kudos to racing sim devlopers who get it right. 8)

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2007, 13:57 

Joined: 12 Jul 2007, 23:43
Posts: 7
I' m using TH2G for LFS too. Actually I bought it just for LFS , its great , It adds alot of realism to the game ;)

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2007, 17:49 

Joined: 08 Sep 2005, 23:22
Posts: 223
On JKeefe's advice, I might give rFactor a shot....

Gladi... do you have a TrackIR? If not... make that your next purchase. It adds a tremendous amount to sims...

Gigabyte GTX 980 - SLI

i7-4770k @4ghz

16GB Ram

Planar SA2311W 3D Vision monitors (x3)

Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2007, 20:44 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643

There seems to be a pretty big divide between LFS fans and rFactor fans. Although I've never played LFS, my impression is that it gets the nod for overall best feel of driving as a result of its tire and general physics models. It models tire flat-spots and dirt to a high degree of fidelity, and I believe it's the only sim to do that.

rFactor shines because of its long-standing developer support, hundreds of high-quality mods, and fantastic multiplayer support. However, it is prone to the "auto spin" every once in a while, and offline can be a bad experience with the AI. So really, it depends on how you like to use your racing sims.

SimHQ runs a race or set of races almost every weekend using rFactor, so I enjoy practicing solo during the week in preparation for the online race during the weekend. If I were only racing offline, though, I wouldn't find rFactor nearly as enjoyable.

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