Returning from Stand-by, but the setting makes it so your computer shuts all the way off except for electricity sustaining your ram. Its very useful for me and it hardly uses your HDD, and all your programs are as you left them of course.
Why they don't have a cold boot instant-boot i don't know and its frustrating for me to think about sometimes, i can imagine 3 separate ways to do it cheaply with hardware built into the system. Like with a 150Mb (give or take) re-writable ROM chip (like your bios) holding your basic initial Windows load transferred to ram at start-up. Then have windows maintain an on going dynamic start up page file so thats ready to go too. Changes to your start-up cache could be made at any time...
This could be added with a module on a video/sound/add-on card as well.
Why do they have to integrate programs into XP! Why cant they just have autonomous, perpetual single folder program installations!!!
...but i digress....