Stonekeep for DOS/Windows 95 was my very first PC game that I still love to this day (too bad I have to dual boot XP Pro with windows 98se just to play it).
I know the feeling. Final Fantasy VII and VIII are distinctly allergic to Windows 2000/XP. :cry: They're also happiest on a Voodoo card...
I'm a relative youngin', but have played more than my fair share of old games thanks to friends and family who don't throw things away when they're "obsolete", but just put them in the loft. :D
I didn't own a PC until '96, and didn't own a console until... oooh... 2001? Something like that. I bought a PS2 for Final Fantasy X. :D
I prefer PCs in general for gaming (Planescape Torment, greatest PCRPG ever!), but there is something to be said for Japanese RPGs. 8) (To be fair, RPGs are the only games that really hold my attention aside from the Civ games...)