Hi HaYDeN,
Just wanted to share my experience with using Flawless Widescreen for the first time with Origin version of Mass Effect 2.
I'm using 27" full HD monitor and my eye distance from the screen is 27".
For me, FOV of 100 usually feels the best.
Now, Flawless Widescreen worked with Mass Effect 2 straight away, and it did allow me to press Numpad + or - to change FOV, which made me very happy
But, holding Numpad + all the way to the max made the game look better indeed, but still I feel the need to move away from my screen which is always a sign of FOV being still too low.
Flawless Widescreen (FW from now on) claims it fixes FOV for Mass Effect 2 (ME2) by default, but I don't think that happened in my case. Simply running FW and pressing CTRL+ALT+Z did nothing. Only pressing Numpad+ or - had the desired effect.
Then I did some math and I realized that FW's built-in FOV Fine Adjustment limit is not enough for my case.
ME2 has a default FOV of 70, which means that when I push the slider all the way to the max I get 70 + 20 = 90, still less than 100 which I'm after.
Luckily FW has most of it's files in source code, so I found the way to fix it myself, by editing '\PluginCache\FWS_Plugins\GlobalDependencies\Scripts\StandardBase.lua' on lines 739 and 752 where I increased the range from 0-200 to 0-400 and set the default position to 200.
In this way I got FW to allow me to fine tune the FOV in +-40 as opposed to default +-20.
And then, when I set this slider to +30, the FOV feeling is just right and ME2 finally runs '...the way it should be!'
Hence, my suggestion to you is to allow more than +-20 FOV fine adjustment by default as clearly there are cases where this is not enough.
I hacked my way to achieve that, but will others be able to?
Thanks for this blessing called Flawless Widescreen.
Keep up the good work!