At first, I think this is quite a cool extention, but then I start to have mixed feelings for this...
jchuckdev wrote:
I buy most of my games on steam and I found it time consuming to be constantly looking up games on WSGF to see if they had good multi monitor/wide screen support.
Although, I know it has been before been a bit time consuming specially with the site slower than it is now since the migration took place, so with better site performance this should not be as time consuming as before.
I am not a fan of scrapping the site, if we where to support it then I think an xml/rss feed would be better, stick the game name, the 2 grades and a link to the report on our site, this would also reduce server load and bandwidth.
However this is my concern, the WSGF is a large resource of information, sadly this does cost us a fair amount each year, which for the best part is covered by Skipclarke, with help from member donations and largely from advertising on the site.
If this plugin was used with steam, negating the need for users to visit our site, even if just to check the grade of a title, then this reduces the overall revenue that helps pay for the site to run, without revenue we cant run, so the plugin would cease to function.
However the WSGF is a very supportive community and we pride ourselfs on supporting a number of projects that help the gaming community overall, this could infact bring more traffic to the sites if the plugin went viral bring more attention to WSGF.
Deep down I personally would like to support this project, but I would suggest waiting for Skipclarke - the founder/owner/bill payer if he is happy to support this, bearing in mind that the plugin would be costing us money in terms of bandwidth and load while not really brining any revenue back into site, or worse potentially reducing existing income.
I also reconnise that this being a chrome extention would only work when someone is already familure with out site and uses chrome to browse steam rather than steam to browse steam, which I would expect to be a fairly small percentage of users.
I hope you can see the conumdrum we face in doing this, but by all means we are pleased to discuss and we are extremely gratefull for you raising this with us rather than not.
I am going to remain optimistic that we could help here, but I wish not to raise hopes untill the chief has spoken.
EDIT:- this post - - is relevent to what I am saying about revenue.
Thank you.