Hello guys!
I am using 3x iiyama 27 inch LED screens (2D) for a few months now.
and with the combination of 3-way SLI GTX 680 4GB im quite dissapointed in the performance im having.
I'm using a bezel corrected resolution of 5960x1080.
When i play BF3 on the Ultra preset im getting horrible GPU usage (65% avg) and (25% min) and sometimes even 0% when something explodes nearby. I'm also getting alot of stuttering,and with the framedrops it makes it quite unplayable. When i switch off 4xMSAA and only use FXAA there is still a bit of stuttering and the GPU usage gets a bit better.
I tried all kinds of drivers, 306.23, 310.33 and now 310.61. The only driver that works for me in BF3 is 304.48 and 304.79, These drivers fixes the stuttering issues im having and im getting really good and smooth FPS on the Ultra preset, also the GPU usage is good. however 304.48 and 304.79 are old and dont have the latest SLI profiles.
In Medal of honor warfighter im getting pretty much the same issue.. Alot of stutter with 4xMSAA and works perfectly with FXAA.
Now Hitman absolution, a game i have been looking out for a while now, and now that im playing it in surround im getting the weirdest things ive never experienced before when using single screen. Please look at my video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DOPYcfjPbY&feature=plcp The settings im using for Hitman are all max No MSAA because its a huge fps hit and with 8xMSAA i'm getting black texture flickering. and yes 310.61 is installed.
I'm also not really satisfied with the surround support of games. for example i want to play Black Ops 2. this game doesn't support surround natively so i used Flawless widescreen.
Nice tool, and i can play black ops 2 and its looking good. just except for the cutscenes which are completely streched out and missing the top part of the screen. i dont know if the BO2 profile in Flawless widescreen will be updated, who knows.
Anyway im quite dissapointed since ive invested alot in my pc and my triple screens and now that i cant play my games as i want makes it very frustrating for me.
ive even considered to sell my 3 monitors and go with a 2560x1440 display or a 120hz screen.
what can you guys tell me?