[quote]This video says otherwise.
Alright, I looked through his code again and he has two different comments that contradict each other. In the area where the value is calculated and written to memory, he comments that it controls item scale. However, I looked up to where he writes the actual code-cave and he wrote that it controls the item scale and fov work.
I get that this program is INTENDED for multi-screen support, but a feature that greatly helps the other 98% of the population I would say while it isn't "necessary", it adds quite a bit of benefit. I do both Multi-Screen and Single-Screen, depending on which device I am using. Previously, people were able to use the plugin for single-screens and it worked wonders. Now, it only works for Multi-Screens.
I get not developing for single-screen. But you had it already, and it worked. Why go out of your way to remove it?
First off, I never intend for any of my plugins to be multi-monitor only. In fact, in every plugin I've done I support everything from 5:4 and up. Widescreen Fixer even started out as a single-display application. In almost all of my plugins that need to account for aspect-ratios and screen positioning, you will see code that checks for single displays, dual displays, and three+ displays. It also uses aspect-ratios to determine how many displays you have.
It was also never my intention to remove a feature. The idea is that it can be figured out by the game directly and work just fine rather than have the user mess with it. You'd achieve the same results without having to play around. The problem here is not that the feature was removed, it's that it's not currently being calculated correctly. Once I have a chance to sit down and do it right I think everyone will find that it's fine without having that option. This is why I said it's not necessary. It's really not. It's a value that can be handled entirely by the engine, and when it works right you'll be happy.
I concur with Dopefish's sentiments about his fix working for more than just multi-monitor. I actually use his fix on my laptop 1920x1080 for kingdoms @ a fov of 200 still :P same with The darkness 2...obviously I'm going to play everything I can on 3 screens, but when I can't I'd still like to adjust the FOV in most games that are usually a console port :P Now stop wasting the man's time and let him and Helifax work on the FOV for mass effect 3...although in saying that, it is only a demo and I can manage...and would rather efforts be directed at other things like Rage etc :P