I would think trying to list all of the gpu's and everything would make for a very large, and intimidating "outline".
I guess I was thinking as simple as:
CPU - Any
Motherboard supporting the CPU you're going with, and can handle two GPUs, preferably 2@ x16, or (worse case?) 1 @ x16, 1@ x8.
Ram - Subject to other choices
GPUs with at least 1.5gb-2gb VRam each, and they have to be identical VRam amounts.
PSU - Subject to everything being installed.
SSD/HDD - Personal preference / Budget limit
Monitors - Personal pref./budget, aim for IPS types. (specify connections based upon GPU choice, if applicable)
Other components...
During my research, I read some form of this a million times - "With AMD, you just need 1 card to run 3 (or more) monitors, and with NVidia, you have to have two cards" and I would hope any outline would avoid saying it like that's an overwhelming advantage for AMD. My take on that was: I want the power of two cards to drive three monitors, regardless of which manufacturer I chose. Once I saw the GTX 580's with 3gb, I knew exactly what I was going to do.
I've been working on a heavily modded Oblivion, and in initial "tests" with 3x1 Landscape, I was pushing 1.8g of VRam usage. And I'm still adding more texture mods. What little I did in Skyrim, I was pushing 1.6gbs of VRam usage, with default Ultra settings, no mods yet. Knowing that, I doubt I would even think of using 1.5gb VRam cards, but that's me.