Umm, Kayden. Could you re-word that again please? Sorry, but I'm having trouble understanding what you wrote grammatically, as I'm trying to see if there's something I can do to boost my FPS - if the game is not properly utilizing my graphics cards.
No Problem. Were shooting for 580s to have above 40+ FPS here, results will vary with other hardware. Also not trying to sound like a jerk so please bare with. I am also tired as hell, probably why my grammar sucked in my last post. /c:
If you have made changes to your Skyrimprefs.ini or Skyrim.ini (like I did for water effects and FOV) you may want to try this. After I made these changed my FPS went to the teens, I had to do these steps to get it back up to 45+ FPS average at 5760x1080, try this:
1: Open up Skyrim Launcher
2: Go to Options
2: Changed Anti Aliasing (AA) to 2x
3: Go to Advanced
4: Uncheck FXAA*
5: Click Close > OK > Play
6: If you get FPS improvement, go back to the Options, put the AA back to what you want and re-enable FXAA if you want.
* = If FXAA is all ready unchecked that is fine, this worked for me both on and off. I think the AA setting is the problem here anyways.
The reason you may have to do this is because there have been some reports of the launcher not using the defined settings in those files, especially if you have changed them recently. I know that Dragon Age 2 launcher did something similar when it wouldn't disable DX11 features for DX10 cards causing major fps drop, when changing from ultra to high.
If that wasn't your problem or if that didn't work try this:
1: Go to the Nvidia Control Panel
2: Go to "Manage 3D settings" on the left hand side
3: Go to "Program Settings" on the right hand side
4:Check to see if "Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim" is in the list, *skip to 6 if it has it"
5: Click on ADD go to " Steamsteamappscommonskyrim " and click on "TESV.exe" and then click Open
6: Under "Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration" make sure it says to the right "Use global settings (Multipule display performance mode)", if it isn't select it
7: Click Apply at the bottom
The reason you may need to do this is because sometimes NVCP doesn't automatically pick up games that unique SLI profiles. I've noticed this since I started using SLI with my 8800's on up to my current 580's, and most recently with SWTOR beta (yes the nvidia drivers have a profile for it).