I have been messing around with some of the .ini files for this game for a bit now. I have lest found a fix to corect the upside down view, there is still a few problems I have not been able to find a fix for, hoping some one els may in the mean time, while I continue my search.
Edit the file XComCamera.ini in " DocumentsMy GamesXCOM - Enemy UnknownXComGameConfig "
and change
Now these setting are for 5760x1080 so you will have to take what your res is such as 5760 / 1080 = 5.33
Just changing the " DefaultAspectRatio= " changes nothing.
Problems that have arised from this is
1- its a FOV- so it zooms all screen into fit hor, so you loose alot of top and bottom.
2- some artifacting in a few screens crops up
3- Now this one is anoying, every thing els I can deal with, but look at pic, where you see the " dashing " thats where my curso accualy is. The box where I want to go and cursor increases in distance the farther away from center of screen you go. Not inrelastion to unit or anything els, just center of screen.
So I hope this may give some other a setp in the right direction, to figer out how to solve a few things. But give it a go and see for your self.
Lest we know we can now get the world upright now :)
PS in the XcomEngine.ini same directory there is a line called " AllowNvidiaStereo3d=False " not sure if that will help NVidia people at all, as I can not test.