I have 2 5770's with crossfire enabled using CCC 10.10. My primary game is Microsoft Flight Simulator X, (FSX). I really enjoy flying the sim using my TrackIR5, Eyefinity and 3 22" ASUS LCD Screens. I do however have a question that I hope someone can answer. I have not been very successful on the flight sim forums. I have a command in my fsx.cfg file that I did find on the fsx forums that enables forced full screen VSync and I have no tearing while in full screen mode. That is good, however, bezel management does not seem to work in full screen mode so I do not have a good and accurate transition as gauges and scenery move across the screens. If I switch to a windowed view my bezel management is perfect but I get some video tearing. Does anyone have an idea of what I can adjust so I get good bezel management and no tearing? On a side note, does Eyefinity stretch the scenery a bit on the lateral screens? The are distorted. Thank you for your help.