Widescreen Gaming Forum

Observer (>observer_)
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Author:  Martan [ 16 Aug 2017, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Observer (>observer_)


For anyone looking for a temp. fix for UWD, it's the usual HEX's which needs to be replaced in game's executable.
Developers already said they will include UWD support in a patch.

2560x1080: 398EE33F, change to 26B41740
3440x1440: 398EE33F, change to 8EE31840

For the FOV you'll also need to modify UE4 configs:
Open Engine.ini.
Add the following and save.

Enjoy! :rockout:

Author:  f4Lk [ 17 Aug 2017, 10:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Observer (>observer_)

Hey thank you.
Just a question in general, what FOV do you guys recommend for 21:9 users? I have a Acer Predator X34 now and I only sit an arms length away from the screen (pesky stand).

Author:  Martan [ 17 Aug 2017, 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Observer (>observer_)

You can't change it to be a custom value afaik.
There are some parameters floating but from what I've tested I didn't notice any change, it is just maintaining the same 4:3 vertical FOV as that above parameter does.
That's what I understood is happening same as in recent Hellblade game. Devs would have to attach some FOV on camera that could be altered to solve this I think.


Author:  JackRippa [ 17 Aug 2017, 13:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Observer (>observer_)

When I run your 3440 exe in "steamapps\common\Observer" it gives me the following error:

"Failed to open descriptor file '../../../steamapps/TheObserver.uproject'"

Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Should I have pasted your file in another location or am I missing a folder?

Author:  Martan [ 17 Aug 2017, 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Observer (>observer_)

Wrong location, it's down here, overwrite original (probably make a backup first):

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