Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken
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Author:  LainP7 [ 14 Apr 2016, 23:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

I loaded it up the game today and to my surprise the game was making full use of my 21:9 monitor.


The game however reverted back to 16:9 after I exited out to see what could have caused it. I might have triggered a glitch of some sort to cause the black bars to not appear as normal. While the game was running in 21:9, there was no visible glitching or framerate problems.
Anyone else experience this?

Author:  Amon Amarth [ 14 Apr 2016, 23:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

We need our lord and savior Hayden to come forth and deliver us from the tyranny of forced 16:9 gameplay!

Author:  Peer_Review [ 15 Apr 2016, 00:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

Amon Amarth wrote:
We need our lord and savior Hayden to come forth and deliver us from the tyranny of forced 16:9 gameplay!

Right, perhaps he's waiting for his tithe, and we need to all pony up and get him some of that sick Alphadraft scrilla.

Reference game incredibly on point. :clap: :twothumb: :clap:

Author:  joezuu [ 15 Apr 2016, 04:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

LainP7 wrote:
I loaded it up the game today and to my surprise the game was making full use of my 21:9 monitor.


The game however reverted back to 16:9 after I exited out to see what could have caused it. I might have triggered a glitch of some sort to cause the black bars to not appear as normal. While the game was running in 21:9, there was no visible glitching or framerate problems.
Anyone else experience this?

Yep, I just loaded up the game, however I decided to change my resolution to 1920x1080 from 2560x1080 and it started rendering the game in 21:9, but within the 16:9 window (unfortunately I didn't think to get any screenshots of that). But when I changed the resolution back to 21:9, it stayed in ultrawide but filled the screen as it should, and I was able to enjoy a few minutes of Dark Souls 3 in glorious ultrawide.


However, it didn't stay that way and I haven't been able to replicate what happened, whether it was a glitch or something else.

Author:  JohnPaulGrim [ 16 Apr 2016, 05:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

Guys, please, someone, anyone out there. I beg of you.
Please find a way to help kill these god awful black bars.
Or in the least point me in the direction of how one would or could get into the game files to at least poke and prod.
The guy on steam, I don't want to say is a lost cause..but he is starting to make it clear how the 21:9 fix isn't the real reason behined his mod, so any type of progress in that area would most likely take a backseat to whatever the hell the original point of his mod was in the first place.
Again. I'm not trying to be a pain or repeat myself.
But please. Anybody. I will gladly and PROMPTLY donate 200$ bucks into your PayPal in the blink of an eye for this fix. No b/s.

Author:  Rifte [ 16 Apr 2016, 07:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

JohnPaulGrim wrote:
Guys, please, someone, anyone out there. I beg of you.
Please find a way to help kill these god awful black bars.
Or in the least point me in the direction of how one would or could get into the game files to at least poke and prod.
The guy on steam, I don't want to say is a lost cause..but he is starting to make it clear how the 21:9 fix isn't the real reason behined his mod, so any type of progress in that area would most likely take a backseat to whatever the hell the original point of his mod was in the first place.
Again. I'm not trying to be a pain or repeat myself.
But please. Anybody. I will gladly and PROMPTLY donate 200$ bucks into your PayPal in the blink of an eye for this fix. No b/s.

Patience buddy :)

Its being worked on, Kaldaien is on it and 21:9 is on his list of to dos, in the process of getting there though he has stumbled on a number of other issues which need fixing first to get to the aspect ratio fix AFAIK.

Its harder than anticipated though and these guys work on these fixes outside of their FT job etc.

Paypal donate for sure, because they do the job lazy developers dont. My hats off to Kaldaien, HaYDen and Helifax.

The like of Acer etc who manufacture 21:9 monitors should be thankful to them, without them I am sure that the growth of 21:9 wouldnt be anywhere close to where it is.

I for one would not have purhased at 21:9 if I wasnt aware of FW and WF etc.

Author:  PsYm0n [ 16 Apr 2016, 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

YEP hats off to Kaldaien, HaYDen and Helifax for there continuous work on games for our pleasure - Donate to show your appreciation. ( With a future Dark Souls 21:9 FIX i will be contributing more ) Thanx GUYz

Author:  SmartShadow [ 16 Apr 2016, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

Can't optimize to 2560x1080 :(
i've made this options in SoulsUnsqueezed.ini

And ingame was

Ingame picture stratched to 2560x1080, but still got black borders :(
Where is my error?

Author:  Armin1702 [ 16 Apr 2016, 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

Can't read is your error.

He wrote: To mitigate some display scaling problems that many are having, I have opted to release 0.0.1 without the promised aspect ratio features

Maybe in his next update we will get full 21:9 support.

Author:  SmartShadow [ 16 Apr 2016, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Souls III - 21:9 Broken

Ouch, missed that :(

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