Widescreen Gaming Forum

Crowdsourcing Content, New Staff & Tax Day Stand Sale
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Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Apr 2013, 05:04 ]
Post subject:  Crowdsourcing Content, New Staff & Tax Day Stand Sale

Greetings WSGF Fans,

It's been a little over a month since our last newsletter. We've had a lot going on, and I'm happy to get back around to sharing it all with you.

US Tax Day Stand Sale - Free US Shipping

April 15th is Tax Day in the US. If you are lucky enough to be getting a refund this year, we'd like to encourage you to spend some of that money on your gaming rig. Until the end of April, we are offering free shipping in the "continental" US (aka "the lower 48"). If you purchase a WSGF Edition or HD Triple XL through the end of April, you'll save $40 on shipping costs.

Most Wanted

There are a few key recent released that we still need in our Games Database. If you can help add them, we would be most appreciative. If you need help on how to add them, check here.

  • Defiance

  • Age of Empires II HD

  • Brutal Legend

  • Cities in Motion 2

  • StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm

  • Trials Evolution: Gold Edition

  • Warframe (Need Multi-Mon Info)

Crowdsourcing Content

You may not realize it, but the WSGF is a truly community-driven website. Anyone who is a member of the WSGF can contribute content to the site. Whether it's adding games to the Games Database, or monitors to the Monitors Database, the power is in your hands. However, we realize that we haven't done a good job of educating our community on how to contribute this content. To help with that, we've created a series of tutorial videos on how to add content to the WSGF.

Adding a game to the games database is a four-part video series, which clocks in at just over thirty minutes. We promise it's really not that hard, and doesn't take that long. We just go into a lot of details on preparation and the theories behind the WSGF Grading System. Adding a monitor to the Monitor Database, and adding a wallpaper or screenshot gallery clock in at just over five minutes each.


New Staff Members

I'm pleased to announce some changes to the WSGF volunteer staff. We have promoted Skid from site Editor to site Administrator. This promotion is a long time coming, and is a result of Skid's great dedication to the WSGF. In addition to producing great full-res 4k Eyefinity/Surround videos, Skid tackles most of the issues around the post moderation queue for new members. His promotion to Admin will help him in that job, and give him more tools to help users around the site.

Additionally, we welcome new site Admin Brett into the fold. Brett joined the WSGF a couple of years ago, but has largely been a lurker. However, after our last newsletters about database issues, he reached out to us and offer his knowledge/time/services to help. It turns out his MySQL-foo is great, and his sense of humor is twisted. We've welcomed him into the fold with open arms, and he's helped us with a number of back-end db issues and data injections. You won't see him handling issues in the forums, but his help on the back-end is priceless.

Finally we want to welcome Haldi as our newest site Editor. He has been a long-time contributor to the site, and has been an Insider for years. His hard work and dedication has paid off in him receiving more work to do. ^_^ All kidding aside, we are thankful to have people like Haldi in our community and are glad to have him as part of our volunteer staff.

New Games @ WSGF

Arma III Alpha




Tomb Raider (2013)




Bioshock Infinite




World of Warplanes (Alpha)




War Thunder




Resident Evil 6




SimCity 5 (2013)




Connect & Support

There are may ways to keep up to date with the WSGF, and support us in our efforts. Spread the word with your gamer friends about the WSGF.

Author:  LuckyNoS7evin [ 15 Apr 2013, 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crowdsourcing Content, New Staff & Tax Day Stand Sale

There are two entries for Warframe in the games list!

http://www.wsgf.org/dr/warframe/en (24666)

http://www.wsgf.org/dr/warframe/en-0 (24667)

Edited them both as there is no multi-monitor support in this game, just thought I would warn you there are 2 of them.

Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Apr 2013, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crowdsourcing Content, New Staff & Tax Day Stand Sale

LuckyNoS7evin wrote:
There are two entries for Warframe in the games list!

http://www.wsgf.org/dr/warframe/en (24666)

http://www.wsgf.org/dr/warframe/en-0 (24667)

Edited them both as there is no multi-monitor support in this game, just thought I would warn you there are 2 of them.

Thanks. I didn't include them as we were getting full up on the newsletter and the entry wasn't finished. Now that it's completed I'll get it sorted out on the duplicate (thought I had already done that) and include it in the next newsletter. Thanks for the update.

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