Widescreen Gaming Forum

best capture card for triple monitor set up
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Author:  crispy [ 23 Feb 2014, 00:44 ]
Post subject:  best capture card for triple monitor set up

hi guys
I want to start recording and or streaming my races in iracing
Im running a gtx 690 and 3 x 23" monitors at 5760x1080
now ive tried fraps ,xsplit ,msi after burner and the frame drop is just terrible or the size of the files are 3-4gb for a 5min video
bearing in mind races can last from 30min 45min to 1hr 10min
I heard if you have a capture card it will take a lot of the stress from the cpu
and you still have decent frame rates
what are some of the best capture cards that can capture my triple monitor set up


Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 23 Feb 2014, 11:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: best capture card for triple monitor set up

I'd use fraps or afterburners capture software or shadow play (if that works). If you're looking for hardware, you'll need 3 capture cards, one for each input.

Author:  Delphium [ 23 Feb 2014, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: best capture card for triple monitor set up

The only captue card i know that will handle 3-4 1080p inputs is the BlackMagic Decklink Quad Studio for £625, which will require you convert all DVI/HDMI signals to HD-SDI to be plugged into the capture card.

So to do this with a capture card you would require...
1x BlackMagic Decklink Quad Studio ~£625
3x DVI/HDMI spliters.
3x DVI/HDMI to HD-SDI convertors ~£185 each.

Then some software to capture the multiple inputs simultaneously and of cause a powerful rig to capture all this in real time to a disk or rather array of disks/ssd.
This of cause is the most ideal solution but also the most expensive.

A cheaper alternative is to use the likes of DXTory to convert/capture the DirectX feed into a WDM webcam style feed that xsplit could then use as a capture device, with xsplit setup with a custom resolution to then record to file.

Note that if you are looking to upload to you tube then you need to keep the maximum width of the recorded output no more than 4096 pixels wide.

Author:  crispy [ 23 Feb 2014, 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: best capture card for triple monitor set up

Delphium wrote:
The only captue card i know that will handle 3-4 1080p inputs is the BlackMagic Decklink Quad Studio for £625, which will require you convert all DVI/HDMI signals to HD-SDI to be plugged into the capture card.

So to do this with a capture card you would require...
1x BlackMagic Decklink Quad Studio ~£625
3x DVI/HDMI spliters.
3x DVI/HDMI to HD-SDI convertors ~£185 each.

Then some software to capture the multiple inputs simultaneously and of cause a powerful rig to capture all this in real time to a disk or rather array of disks/ssd.
This of cause is the most ideal solution but also the most expensive.

A cheaper alternative is to use the likes of DXTory to convert/capture the DirectX feed into a WDM webcam style feed that xsplit could then use as a capture device, with xsplit setup with a custom resolution to then record to file.

Note that if you are looking to upload to you tube then you need to keep the maximum width of the recorded output no more than 4096 pixels wide.

thanks for the info
is way out of my budget mind

ive tried shadow play but when I try to record the symbol pops up in the corner to say its recording for a brief moment then it goes
but nothing is ever recorded

Author:  Haldi [ 24 Feb 2014, 08:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: best capture card for triple monitor set up

Shadowplay only supports 1920x1080 or not?

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