Widescreen Gaming Forum

Can you run a 4K LCD along w/ a 2560x1600 LCD on 1 PC?
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Author:  happy hopping [ 04 Feb 2014, 14:01 ]
Post subject:  Can you run a 4K LCD along w/ a 2560x1600 LCD on 1 PC?

Some1 said MST doesn't support 2560x1600. So if you have a GTX 650 Ti Boost, can you run MST on your display port on your 4K monitor while you connect the DVI to a 2560x1600 monitor, as well as the HDMI to a 3rd 19x10 monitor?

For that matter, for those who owns a 4K monitor, have you ever connects it a 2nd monitor that is 2560x1600?

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 05 Feb 2014, 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you run a 4K LCD along w/ a 2560x1600 LCD on 1 PC?

On amd, this isn't an issue, not sure on the nvidia side.

Author:  happy hopping [ 06 Feb 2014, 09:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you run a 4K LCD along w/ a 2560x1600 LCD on 1 PC?

Worst case I would have no choice but to switch to ATI then. I am not a big fan of ATI as ea. time I switch back, its driver crash. I like the ATI chip, nothing against that, it's the driver that I hate

thanks for the info

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